
We build and improve your digital solutions on the foundations of well-thought-out infrastructure.

Four-Tier Deployment Model

  • Development Environment: This is where changes to the codebase happen, it is usually done on a local environment (typical the developer’s laptop).
  • Testing Environment: This is an integration environment where the developer merges changes to test if everything works together (this is sometimes called a Quality Assurance or User Acceptance Testing environment).
  • Staging Environment: This is where test are run against an environment that replicates Production in an infrastructure and data like way, it ensures it will work properly when released.
  • Production Environment: This is the live production environment that the end users see.


We understand the benefits of Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery, we also understand the importance of development and delivery of software in short cycles and how build-configure-deploy-test-release is underpinned by automation.

  • Speed: Moving at a high velocity allows us to innovate faster. Continuous delivery lets us take ownership of services and then release updates to them quicker.
  • Rapid Delivery: Frequent releases allow us to innovate and improve your website/application faster. The quicker we release new features and bug fixes, the quicker you can response to us and give feedback.
  • Reliability: Continuous integration and continuous delivery gives us the confidence to reliably deliver at a more rapid pace. Monitoring and logging also helps us stay informed of performance in real-time.

Amazon Web Services

We focus on building highly available, scalable and flexible web applications on top of Amazon Web Services (AWS).